My preparation is complete.
I have everything I need to commence, namely:
1. Paper, I'm currently working on 220gsm Canson but mostly because I need to use it all up rather than it being my preferred weapon of choice, which is Bristol board preferably 300gsm, but, you know economics and stuff.
2. Ink. Some Japanese sumi ink that flows real nice, is waterproof when dry and doesn't destroy my nibs and brushes.
3. Inking tools - The battle tested number 2 rigger, and the not as reliable (but still useful) Hunt 102 dip pen nibs.
4. Several really big erasers.
5. My premixed jar of grey inkwash ready to apply values.
6. A recent addition, masking fluid. OMG how good is this stuff. Just wonderful stuff. It says what it does but has made my life easier.
7. A reasonable variety of coloured inks to add the, well, colour.
8. Mad drawing skills and lots of reference material.
So I got stuck in to this sucker!
What ever could be going on here???? |
I'm approaching drawing whole chapters i.e. 6-8 pages, and getting some feed back off some peeps before I go to the inking stage.
And just to clarify to any worried fans, this is not a reboot. What has gone before will not be ret-conned or made irrelevant.
This story is a continuation from the ones featured in A Brigand's Tale #1 and #2 and will just be in a full length, full colour format.
This week the Shoalhaven is in the grip of some superheroic events.
Unfortunately, due to unfavourable circumstances (you know, economics and stuff) Bolt Comics wont have an official presence at the entertainment centre.
I will be hanging out the front of The Collared Box on junction street between 10:30 am to 12:30 pm this saturday the 3rd of October.
I shant be hard to miss as I will be dressed as a somewhat overwieght version of the FLASH!!
I will be selling assorted Bolt Comics items as well as some other cool stuff my indie friends have given me to sell.
So if you want support an actual Shoalhaven based creator, you know where I'll be.
Next week: Let's see how week 2 went...
Brigand,Sneakthief and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademark and copyright Daniel Tribe.
All rights reserved.
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