Monday, 19 May 2014

Comic Gong!!


Last Saturday seen the Launch of A Brigands Tale #1. There was a tonne of folks there who seemed keen to try something new,and I got many chances to personalise the cover in a unique way for people who purchased a copy!

Sooooo many people!!!
There was also people on hand flocking to get the latest issue of Bolt Comics' flagship title The Adventurers (#3. Have I mentioned I drew the back up story in this issue?)

It was pretty much busy all the livelong day. Which was a bummer because I didn't get as much time as I would have liked catching up with creator friends old & new.

No rest for the wicked though, I'm busy working on A Brigands Tale #2 and awaiting feedback from readers to see what they think of the story so far!

Here's a sneak peek of some art work for #2...
Yep, the big guy has obviously been spending some time at the gym...

Oh yeh, he works out!
Until next time don't make excuses, make comics!!

As ever, any questions and comments are welcome. 

A Brigands Tale is copyright and Trademark Dan Tribe 2014. All rights Reserved.

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