Monday, 26 May 2014

Refining the Comic making process

I'm currently working on the initial stages of A Brigand's Tale number 2. 

I have just released number 1 last weekend at ComicGong, if you did not pick up a copy there, fear not! We will be at Supanova in Sydney on June 13, 14 & 15!! 

If you just can't wait, email us on and we can mail you a copy!!

Anyway, back to the process.

I thought I would go through some of the changes in my philosophy now that I have some more pages under my belt.

Goals for each issue

In issue one of A Brigand's Tale my 2 main goals were:

  • Characters should look as "un-wooden" as possible in their movements
  • Readers should be able to know exactly what is happening on the page with no ambiguity
for example:

 Broadside schooling some bandits!

To a large degree (in my opinion) it was a success under those guidelines. In the example above, its pretty clear what is going on, and the movements of the figures are fluid.

So for issue 2 I'm taking great pains to continue that trend but add some other requirements.

I'm not going to go through the 2nd issue goals, however here is an example of upholding the high  self imposed standards at Bolt Comics. 

Here's the first panel of Number 2 as initially inked.

As you can see I'm trying to establish the location and the characters, while leaving ample room for the dialogue balloons.

But I just wasn't happy with it.

So here we are with a newer version, that to me at least shows the 3 characters in the forest, and still leaving ample room for the dialogue.

 I then added some blacks to add some more shadows, shape etc.

I think it helps to tell the story a bit better.

What do you think? Did I make the wrong decision?
Leave a comment below or tweet me here: 

As ever I welcome your thoughts and feedback!

A Brigands tale and all artwork shown copyright Daniel Tribe 2014. All rights reserved.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Comic Gong!!


Last Saturday seen the Launch of A Brigands Tale #1. There was a tonne of folks there who seemed keen to try something new,and I got many chances to personalise the cover in a unique way for people who purchased a copy!

Sooooo many people!!!
There was also people on hand flocking to get the latest issue of Bolt Comics' flagship title The Adventurers (#3. Have I mentioned I drew the back up story in this issue?)

It was pretty much busy all the livelong day. Which was a bummer because I didn't get as much time as I would have liked catching up with creator friends old & new.

No rest for the wicked though, I'm busy working on A Brigands Tale #2 and awaiting feedback from readers to see what they think of the story so far!

Here's a sneak peek of some art work for #2...
Yep, the big guy has obviously been spending some time at the gym...

Oh yeh, he works out!
Until next time don't make excuses, make comics!!

As ever, any questions and comments are welcome. 

A Brigands Tale is copyright and Trademark Dan Tribe 2014. All rights Reserved.

Monday, 12 May 2014

A Brigand's Tale #1 launches this week at Comic Gong!

When you finally finish your book and get a big box like this:

the music swells and all of a sudden your singing something like this:

This is the moment...

But then you realise that you have got to get them into people's hands...

So if your around Wollongong this Saturday 17th May, well get yourselves to Comic Gong, say hi, and sample arguably the best work of my comic book career. Entry is FREE!

To top it all off I have secured permission from the mighty Jason Paulos to have the infamous and iconic Aussie comics legend Hairbutt the Hippo to guest star in A Brigands Tale #1!!!

You can see a preview of the book here: 

If that's not enough the other more productive member of Bolt Comics will be launching issue 3 of his mega cool book, The Adventurers.

What makes it mega cool you ask? 

Well I draw a back up story in this one, and let me tell ya, it's the second best work of my entire comic book career!

If you cant make it but need some more swashbuckling adventure in your life, email us on and we can post it to you!

Hoping to see you there!!!


As ever comments are welcome...

A Brigands Tale is copyright and Trademark Dan Tribe 2014. All rights Reserved.
Hairbutt the Hippo is copyright Jason Paulos 2014. All rights Reserved.