I have just released number 1 last weekend at ComicGong, if you did not pick up a copy there, fear not! We will be at Supanova in Sydney on June 13, 14 & 15!!
If you just can't wait, email us on info@boltcomics.net and we can mail you a copy!!
Anyway, back to the process.
I thought I would go through some of the changes in my philosophy now that I have some more pages under my belt.
Goals for each issue
In issue one of A Brigand's Tale my 2 main goals were:
- Characters should look as "un-wooden" as possible in their movements
- Readers should be able to know exactly what is happening on the page with no ambiguity
Broadside schooling some bandits!
To a large degree (in my opinion) it was a success under those guidelines. In the example above, its pretty clear what is going on, and the movements of the figures are fluid.
So for issue 2 I'm taking great pains to continue that trend but add some other requirements.
I'm not going to go through the 2nd issue goals, however here is an example of upholding the high self imposed standards at Bolt Comics.
Here's the first panel of Number 2 as initially inked.
As you can see I'm trying to establish the location and the characters, while leaving ample room for the dialogue balloons.
But I just wasn't happy with it.
So here we are with a newer version, that to me at least shows the 3 characters in the forest, and still leaving ample room for the dialogue.
I think it helps to tell the story a bit better.
What do you think? Did I make the wrong decision?
Leave a comment below or tweet me here: twitter.com/TheDanTribe
As ever I welcome your thoughts and feedback!
A Brigands tale and all artwork shown copyright Daniel Tribe 2014. All rights reserved.