Wednesday, 27 August 2014

STOP PRESS: A Brigand's Tale goes international!

Hey all.

I've been super busy in my day job as it is tax time in Australia so apologies for the lack of posting.

But I finally figured out to get a reasonably sized PDF of everybody's favourite Hunter out into the whole wide world this morning while driving to work so I thought I would give it a try!

Yep, Brigand and the gang are now international.

For less than one lousy US dollar you can now get your Brigand fix of swash buckling anthropomorphic adventure from anywhere in the world DRM free (mostly because I can't figure out how to do any of that stuff!)

 Well, I'm not totally sure but let's give it a go...

You can follow this here link to access all the digital goodness: 

Feel free to share the news because it's a fun filled book people of any age can enjoy!

So until next time, make mine Brigand!

All artwork on this post and A Brigand's Tale is copyright Dan Tribe 2014. All rights reserved.